Module 3

Getting to know you



Part 1: Habits and Behaviours

What negative habits do you have around money?

What beliefs do you have driving those negative habits?

What positive habits do you have around money?

What beliefs do you have underneath and driving those positive habits?

Part 2: Beliefs and Stories

What story do you keep telling when it comes to money?

Is there always enough? never enough? More than enough?

What was your money story as a child?

What do you believe to be true about;

  • The economy

  • The government

  • Business owners

  • Millionaires

  • Influencers

  • Celebrities

Are these beliefs bringing abundance to you or pushing it away?

What beliefs could you bridge and build instead to create your next level abundance?

Part 3: Worth and Deservedness

What makes you feel worthy of abundance?

What makes you feel unworthy?

What makes you feel deserving of money?

What makes you feel undeserving?

How do you ‘sabotage’ yourself when things are going well?

What would make you feel worthy of your NEXT LEVEL income / earnings?