Module 1

Understanding Economics and Energetics



Part 1: Economics

What stories were you told about money?

Where in your life has money resulted in struggle and sacrifice?

How has money served you?

Part 2: Energetics

What energy do you find yourself in most of the time? Why do you think that is?

  • Not enough?

  • Just enough?

  • More than enough?

What puts you into a lack mindset / energy?

  • Social media? Seeing other people’s lives? / Paying the bills?

What puts you into an abundance mindset / energy?

  • Gratitude

Describe what you want your financial experience with money to be like;

e.g I pay bills with ease and there is always so much leftover to top up my other bank accounts!

How do I want to design and create bank accounts / relationship with money?

Do you believe you’re worthy of a wealthy life?

Do you believe that your financial goals are possible for you?

Do you judge others who have more / less than you or the way they spend their money?

Keep a gratitude log on just money for a week and see what comes up for you …

Book / Audiobook List

Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert K

Worthy, Nancy Levin

Secrets of a Millionaire Mind, T Harv Eker

Get Rich Lucky Bitch, Denise Duffield Thomas

Rich as Fuck, Amanda Frances