Module 2

Wealth Consciousness



Part 1: How does money feel?

What stories were you told about money?

Where in your life has money resulted in struggle and sacrifice?

Where in your life has money resulted in freedom and choices?

How do you feel when you spend money?

How do you feel when you see money owed for something?

How do you feel when you save money?

How do you want to feel instead?

What could you do to feel differently?

Part 2: What are you available for?

What feels like a big amount of money to earn / receive?

What feels like a small amount of money to earn / receive?

Where in your life can you see any repeating patterns with money?

Part 3: Your Environment

Which of your environments make you feel abundant and free?

Which of your environments feel heavy and lack?

How can you make an upgrade to what you consume?

What one thing can you do for the way you dress / what you wear?

How can you upgrade your work environment?

What 3 things can you do this week to upgrade how ‘wealthy’ you feel?