Module 5
Becoming …
Part 1: Who do you want to be?
How do you want to feel each day?
How do you want to look each day?
What do you want to think each day?
What kind of person do you want to be?
How can you embody that person today?
Part 2: If you had already achieved your goals from Module 4 - how would you ‘be’? e.g feeling, thinking and acting?
Money Goals
Body Goals
Health Goals
Career Goals
Part 3: Quantum Leaping & Collapsing Time
What would the future version of you be thinking / doing / behaving that you’re not doing now?
How would they be in themselves?
What would their predominant energy be?
Who do they spend time with?
What does their environment look like?
What kind of house do they live in? Car do they drive? Way they speak? Money they earn?
Part 4: and REPEAT
Where do I still need to heal?
What is my restoration plan and daily rituals for morning and evening?
Which step of manifestation do I need to go back and look at?
What in me is afraid to become my NEXT LEVEL self?
What one next step can I take right now to become my next level self?
This work doesn’t end here. It’s life long and a process we repeat over and over and over. Luckily, it’s yours to keep replaying over and over and over.
My wish for you all as always is that you’re in the process of becoming your NEXT LEVEL SELF.
Lucy xx
Book / Audiobook List
Girl Wash your Face, Rachel Hollis
Worthy, Nancy Levin
The Universe has your back, Gabrielle Bernstein
Judgement Detox, Gabrielle Bernstein
You already know, Helen Jacobs
Girl on Fire, Cara Alwill
On Fire, John O’Leary
Return to Love, Marianne Williamson